
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Dinner, it's a simple concept is it not? What would you like or how does this sound were common conversation starters regarding dinner in my house growing up. As you get older, I'm realizing it's not as simple as it used to be. You know it was cute when you wanted to help in the kitchen or watch something cooking just to be near mom or dad. Then it was nice to all sit down together and have family dinner time-no distraction and just talk about everyone's day and find out how everyone is doing and what activities are coming up. Now it just seems to be a struggle and an awkward time of the day. When you live with a roommate, it's hard to coordinate schedules or to bother eating together, but I try. I always find it interesting that when I make dinner one night, a few nights later (if not the next night) I feel like the roommate feels obligated to make dinner in return. Now mind you, I NEVER expect anyone to cook for me because I've cooked before. It just depends on my mood if I want to bother making a big dinner sit down and attempt conversation.

So the other night I made a beautiful dinner; ham steaks, mashed potatoes, corn, and corn muffins (yum, I was quite the chef that day). As soon as the roommate came out of her room I invited her to join me and she did (after pretending she hadn't realized I was cooking--um hello the smell, noise, and I had a boil over, oops), but whatever. Not to brag either but we have been roommates for 3years now so I know what she likes, really likes, and not so much. On the other hand--and trust me I'm VERY vocal about my likes and dislikes of foods (I LOVE sweet potatoes and spaghetti squash at the moment and I will always and forever HATE tomatoes due to a traumatic experience I had as a child ). Now when I cook I try to use things I know she will like or even go as far as getting all the needed utensils for her (like I did the other night), but for some reason everytime she cooks  there's always an item or two that just doesn't look appealing or ingredients she knows I won't eat. What the heck! I feel like I try and then I'm ignored for my efforts, I even got "I know you hate tomatoes, but you can try it if you want"...not as inviting as "Hey, I made dinner and there's plenty if you're interested!".

I know it shouldn't be a big deal, but keep in mind in the beginning of the year we decided nightly or even weekly what we might have and stand around and cook our designated item. It's not just that I miss that part, but now it's just awkward to help each other out and cook for the other. So tonight I'm thinking she thinks she has to make dinner because I did the other night. And it's broccoli and cheddar soup, which normally I would love! but knowing her cooking style I'm sure there are hidden things in it...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Lately I have just been feeling extremely tired lately. I guess throughout college there are phases of not getting much sleep, but usually I bring it on myself by staying up late for homework I've put off, watching stupid shows or movies, or becoming addicted to an online game (I know stupid but don't try to deny you haven't done it at least once before). This time is different, I haven't been doing of the fore mentioned causes in the past, I don't drink anything caffeinated past dinner time, I try to not eat anything past 9 o'clock, I exercise almost everyday, I even try to get off the computer a half hour before I try to sleep. And it doesn't help when every other person in my class is yawning and saying how tired they are doesn't help either. Oh well maybe it's the whole time change still and how light it still is later in the evening..hopefully I won't feel so tired soon.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


It's the first time I haven't written in a few days and unfortunately I know it won't be the last one..but my apologizes to anyone who's been reading my blog and disappointed you haven't been able to learn more about my life :). Well I meant to write, I've just been exhausted with school work, maintaining friends, working out, trying to not cause conflict with the roommate, and then BOOM! the dance team I'm on-went crazy!

Just to keep everyone on track, I'm on a dance team at my school and we perform at the Basketball game's halftime. Every spring members of the dance team, regardless of age/grade you are allowed to run for a position on the executive board. We held our elections this past Wednesday and girls ran for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, special projects coordinator (art person), and 2 captains. Well there were 3 positions this year that only one person ran for and naturally won the positions (ya no one ran against me! I still get to be secretary for another year :D ). Treasurer and Projects coordinator were also elected without a fight. Our president was elected fairly easily, but then our Vice President and Captains hit a tie.

When the "tie" came about, our designated counters decided to take it upon themselves and pick the deciding votes and determine the new captains and vice president. Needless to say this was not the correct way to go about this and between the hours of 12-3 on Thursday afternoon a previous captain who was not re-elected messages everyone and 4 out of the 7 people on exec basically screamed at each other over e-mail. How ridiculous, ok you's not the end of the world (even though I can understand how upsetting it is and how badly you can want something and not get it...).However, it started a huge uproar and b*tch fight that was pretty much held back the entire year.

So now, we're being treated like we're in high school and getting in trouble with our coach. We all have to get together and discuss it as a group and decide if we are going to re-vote for the tied positions...I mean I wish we could just solve this ourselves but then again (majority) of the exec board this year were fake-it's-all-about-me kind of people, rather than let's do it for the team! We'll see how this turns out (and trust me I'll let you know as well) but honestly, I'm not hating the new people who were voted onto the exec board...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Note: Do not read if squimish

So today started out like any other Wednesday...I had two morning classes, got my 30minute workout in, came back to the apartment (where my roommate made it sound like she has an issue rooming with me while we're in Italy--GREEEAAATTT). I took my shower, was fixing lunch and decided I needed some sweet potato fries to go with it. I grabbed a knife and began cutting it up. As I approach the end of the cutting part, I sliced right into my left thumb....FREAKED OUT, jumped up in down, starred at it (which I don't recommend..) ran to my sink and washed it out. Did I mention it hurt like HELL?!?! cuz it did! I'm still shaking up about it, I immediately felt sick to my stomach (although it also could have been I hadn't eaten since 7:30 this morning and it was approaching 1:30), I had to lay down, but still felt like I was going to pass-out or throw up or both! Needless to say my thumb is out of commission and I'm trying to recover from the panic...I guess I REALLY can't go to Medical school now :(...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


In happier news for the evening, I have been taking American Sign Language this semester. I love it! It's not the easiest language (but language is really anyway?), but for some odd reason I am really picking it up quickly and having a lot of fun with it. What also makes me feel good (and this is my evil side) is that I'm just a little bit better at it than my roommate :). It's mean yes, but also makes me few good that I don't have to sit and study it for 2hours straight and go to a study session just before a midterm in order to feel ready. I will say I have been reviewing every week before the class since it began and attended a study session this weekend in order to feel prepared. BUT who got a 100% on the first quiz?!?! THIS GIRL! and who just literally rocked the midterm? Oh it's me again :). Let's only hope I keep it up...


SO part of the whole college thing is living with roommate(s). For me, I have only ever had one roommate and I'd say for the most part over 3 years of living together is has been a good ride. We met during a week long 1 credit course the summer before our freshmen year. We met on behalf of our mothers knowing each other and we honestly clicked right away, by Wednesday we decided we wanted to roommates the coming year.

We had a lot in common at first; we both came from good families, both had both had boyfriends at the time, and we wanted to do well in school. School began and we went to meals, events, and socialized together. Now people change after time, and I think we really found our differences through school and studying and also through relationships and friendships. I study with noise (t.v. & music) and she doesn't. I love going out to socialize, even if I'm just hanging out in another's room...she'd rather talk to her boyfriend, friends at home, or parents. So needless to say we ran into some bumps along the way. Even so, we chose to remain roommates for our Sophomore year and even longer into our Junior year.

Now maybe it wasn't the BEST idea to stay together for 3 years in a row, but honestly (sadly) she doesn't socialize with other people much and I'm bad with change. This year however we got an apartment together and it was fun at first, just like Freshmen year, everything was new and we made meals together and hung out when we didn't have classes. But the year has dragged on and honestly I'm sick and tired of always being the one to start a (meaningful) conversation, the one to cook, clean up, tidy up and whatever else that needs to be done. Now I've expressed this feeling and tiredness to her and it changes for a few weeks and things get better and then I start picking it up again because otherwise it will not happen.

It's coming to the point when she leaves this coming spring that we're going to lose touch because I won't be making all the effort and I KNOW she won't. She was a good friend for majority of the time, it's just that for some reason she's been pulling back, not as friendly, not as willing to spend time with me, and has just been overall rude to me. Any helpful suggestion are kindly welcomed and I thank those who have read it through and I thank those who can relate to a crappy roommate even more!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Quick Write

So, I'm completely exhausted tonight so this will be quick. Not much to report anyway...I'm not quite sure how this happened considered how I brought and left more clothes at home but my closet and dresser are about ready to throw up clothing! No joke, I give my closet rod(?) A LOT of credit for not falling on me yet (know on wood!) When I got back to school I unpacked as usual and somehow there just seems to be more clothes, maybe because I did bring some summery items up, which meant less space taken up in my bags but just as much in my closet.

Also new, I'm playing on an intermural basketball team with girls who are on the executive board on the Dance team I am on during basketball season. So pretty much the league has been kicking my ass...unfortunately I HATE basketball; playing watching, anything with it really (sorry bball fans, just never got into it). I'm pretty sporty though, which is probably why it's only game 3 and I'm already getting discouraged because we are 0-3 :(. It's and pretty athletic group too, but for some reason or another we just can't seem to get our sh*t together. Tonight was no exception, we played our hardest team yet--with plenty of varsity girls basketball players on the other team (which in my opinion is ridiculous, you just went all winter long playing-can't you take a break and let those with less abilities have a CHANCE?!?! Nope guess not). The one thing that really just gets on my nerves is not that we're losing (because we hustle, try to shot when we can, communicate, pass often, and share lots of laugh), what gets me is the opposite team's demeanor and the REF'S!! I mean, no we haven't score much during any game and they get called early because the other team has stacked points against us, but that doesn't give anyone the right to disrespect anyone on the opposite team. That has always been my pet-peeve when it comes to sports and anything competitive. I really hope if anyone chooses to be on any kind of team or interactive activity that you really do try to respect the other team for putting an effort in and not making fun of them when they get the least bit excited when they score, it's a big deal whether you're winning or losing.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Home and So not Me...

So let me start by saying as a college student I go home every 2-4 weeks (you know whenever I stop having clean clothes :) ) This weekend's trip have seem to go very fast, considering I have to head back to school earlier than usual this Sunday. Friday was busy, but A TON OF FUN! I got to drive home in 60 degree weather (thank you weather gods!), I got to see my sister (you know her as MY SHOW), I got to babysit my all-time-favorite children and had close to the easiest night with them, and finally got to catch up with my parents while watching a hockey game :). Friday equaled a pretty successful day!

Now Saturday was equally successful (though it's not over yet). My Mom offered to take myself and sister to Freeport and have a shopping day. The day didn't start off great I'll admit, the main downside to coming home is that usually there is only junk food that a 14 year-old boy will eat and today was no different. SO, I was starving for a muffin by the time we actually left. I must say we had a VERY successful shopping spree-compliments of one in particular store- Van Heusen :) We probably saved a total of $500 between the three of us. Now time for a little confession, it happened in the Coach factory store and though I'm proud of the act that occurred before we left, I feel a bit anxious about it at the same time as well.

First for some background info, I'm a pretty outgoing and up for challenges and not so shy in my environment. Although outside of that said environment, I'll back off or just not be as open as I normally would be around friends and family. Having said this and if you haven't already figured this out by now, its about a guy...Yes I'll admit it took some (a lot) of encouragement and pushing from my sister and a friend to give my name and number to guy I found "cute". Don't get me wrong, I'm happy when my sister gives me that extra push that I usually need, so yes Thank You Nanner, but now it's that waiting game for anything or nothing to happen. Maybe the blog should be "Saved by the Bell: The Dating Years", but we'll see.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

Happy Irish day to all!! Even if you are 0% Irish today is the one day out of the year you can lie and get away with it, simply because people just want to drink and celebrate together! And of course wear a ton of GREEN!! Unfortunately for this sad blonde (maybe a little REAL Irish blood) girl, I'm stuck at my desk for the night studying for a math exam tomorrow and writing a first draft paper that I've off doing :(. I know pathetic, but what can I say, I am the biggest Procrastinator sometimes. I don't even know why I do it, I know I don't want to do an assignment or reading and yet almost every time I put if off until the last minute, causing grande stress and no social life :( (Did I mention I love being around and meeting new people yet? cuz I do! and college is a perfect excuse to do so).

To tell the truth though, I'm almost kind of happy to have to study for a math test (that I feel pretty ready for) and a paper I don't want to do (but I know I'll get something out of it) this is because I gave up alcohol and a lot of sodas for lent. I'm not crazy religious are anything, but every couple of months or so I feel the need to go to church or behave the way my mother wished I had growing up. My other thought in giving up alcohol for lent was it might possibly help me loose a few pounds in the process...we're still waiting on results.

Now I actually have to start my work and try to get some sleep in tonight! Busy week...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Memories :)

So I'm not if anyone out there remembers the wonderful family-oriented show of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman?!? Yes, It was my favorite growing up (or the one my mom let my sister and I watch most often). Any way, I loved it, my favorite (beside ER, we're discuss that one in a much longer blog). Dr. Quinn aired when NO ONE went out on Saturday nights and it was in prime air time. I would watch Saturday nights, in the afternoons when it became syndicated, and in the mornings during summer vacations with my sister after it was canceled.

I probably know every character; large or small and pointless trivia that will unfortunately never come in handy in everyday conversation. And yes, I'm one of those people that gets excited when they see a familiar set on another television show. 

Still a few years back the Hallmark channel canceled Dr. Quinn and I was sadly at a loss, then recently it has turned up on a local gospel channel at home (I guess it is considered wholesome enough as well as religious enough to air on their station and let's face it, I'll take it!). Now remember, I'm a college student...meaning away from home for a month at a time if called for it. So missing all these WONDERFUL episodes was hard, so I began looking for deals online to purchase my own. My wonderful sister bought my first season during a crappy birthday year, but one season just wasn't enough.

I know it's been a long to shorten a bit I've recently discovered this love and am in the process of watching every episode, from start to finish! It makes me laugh, cry, and best of all I can indulge in another time period.

(Two posts in one day, GO ME haha)

Entering Blogging world!!

So, I am going to give this a try! I have been reading my sister's blog for about a month now and of course have stumbled onto others blogs as well. So naturally I felt the need to have others learn and read about my life. I'm a college student, so you can imagine all the drama, stress, and whatever else I feel on a weekly or daily basis. So basically my goal is to write everyday and to keep it entirely about my life. I'm not sure why, but beginning this I had the idea that it might be easier to express myself to strangers (and a few that know me). Hopefully I can keep up and post something worth reading daily (at least weekly).