
Saturday, July 6, 2013

I'm a bad blogger

Yea, least I can admit it right?

I've neglected my blog once again and honestly it's hard work to make my ADD self sit and write complete thoughts for others to read. I was also in the process of a HUGE trip to Sweden and London at the time, so please forgive me.

I've been back for about a month now and the socially life is calming down a bit, so I thought why not write to my invisible follows and readers :).

So far my summer has been fabulous!

  • I have a good friend that I go to the beach with almost every Sunday and while I mostly burn each time we go, I've gotten compliments on how tan I've been looking. ME! the palest person in every social group I've ever been a part of. 
  • My little niece turned 1 and is such a big girl now. She gives a handful of attitude and lets you know what she wants/on her mind. 
  • I'm planning on a concert or two in August that would UNBELIEVABLE to attend (both, not just one!) and NO I will not reveal who the concerts would be in fear of it not coming true...I'm a big believer in not jinxing fun times because that usually leads to failure in my records.
  • I'm making VERY good headway on my Netflix account
  • Big Brother has started for the summer!! (I've been a huge fan since it started, just like Survivor and you can judge me all you want-cuz I LOVE IT)

Until next time!