
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 2

Day 1: Excited about making it through, HA!

Welp (it's a word, I promise), it's been two days and I feel fantastic. No I'm not just talking about being back on the blog world, I'm talking about being on the South Beach Diet. This is not some plug to brag about the fab diet, because honestly it just opens my eyes to what I should already be eating A LOT of and thing I shouldn't be eating too often. 

Like I said, I really like South Beach because it lays out the rules very clearly in each stage, what you CAN and CANNOT eat during that phase. It also gives recipes and better choices throughout each phase as well. I'm the kind of girl that NEEDS that kind of direction in order to succeed in making healthy changes to my diet. 

Basically, you can eat lean meats, LOTS of greens (lettuce/romaine/spring mixes, broccoli, asparagus, etc.) cheese, yogurt, and milk (all nonfat), 1 serving of nuts, humus, eggs...yep that's pretty much it, HA i'm no expert!! These are some of the main foods I will eat while on the first phase of the diet--known as the detox phase. Phase two, allows all of the above plus fruits, whole grains, oats, but still no alcohol :( booo this sucks, but ya kinda. Finally on phase three, you can eat EVERYTHING insight in portions. 

AGAIN this is DAY 2 of this, but I already feel better inside and happier about what I'm eating. 

After my first workout on said diet

**Just to clarify, I started this to not only better myself and feel better, but to also hopefully open my eyes more to what I eat and how I eat. I was not happy with scarfing food down once I got home from work and this diet MAKES you think about budgeting my time in order to plan healthier and better meals for me.** 

Let's wish me and everyone else who is on a weight loss journey!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I'M BACK!!!   

*Taking via my new Macbook and I LOVES IT*

NO FOR REALZ this time peeps, I'm honestly making an effort to be a better blogger this year. Not for you people (cuz God only knows who actually reads this thing), but for me to one day look back on and think "Wow I b*!Cthed a lot!"

Any who, I'll be filling you in about my life that I forget to post about for the past year. Give me some time to catch up and do normal posting/linking ups in the meantime.

I hope ya'll stay tuned and others join along the way! 