While somethings changed in 2015, others stayed the same. Looking back over my goals I set for myself last January, I can honestly say I put in a lot of effort to make some of my admirations come true! Let's review;
Goal #1:
I DID IT!! In May I officially accepted a teaching position in Massachusetts and moved just outside of Boston. At first the living circumstances were less then stellar, so I moved in with another coworker and had a much more enjoyable life. September I moved in with two other women and have been there since. I love the apartment we have and the location most of all! It is such a rewarding feeling to be living on my own, while being able to pay for all the living costs and still being able to go out or enjoy an event from time to time. Yea for adulting!
So because I chose to move, I sadly was unable to visit Katie over in London. Extremely sad, but I did move. So again adult mode. I guess I have somewhat done this because I am living on my own I HAVE to travel more and by myself. Both for the better and worst I guess, but at least I'm getting out and about. I drove to the Cape to meet up with family this summer, attended a wedding, and just generally traveled around the Boston area by self.
I am still working on this, but it's more of a life long change rather than a quick fix. I lost a good 12lbs this summer!! :) I am beyond excited that I was running almost everyday after work and have since changed so much about my eating habits. Although, now that it is winter and I need to workout indoors I need to be more consistent about my workouts. Or just be extra cautious about what I am eating... and that's no fun! Ugh, must find a balance.
Well, I'm not blogging because I'm out at the club. This goal still needs work so I'll try to focus on that more this year. I so desire to be a more outgoing person and meet more people. I just also love laying in my bed and doing nothing but watching Netflix or dvd's and sipping on tea. I know, it's an exciting life I tend to live. But again, I really am trying to branch out more often.
Well this one definitely didn't happen, but there is always time to improve. It helps that I am a little more active on my own and can take a little more time to create more blog posts. Even if they end up being short because let's be honest some viewers might enjoy shorter stories about my amazing single life :)
Happy New Year to all and happy blogging!
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