Luckily, and kind of randomly I woke up around 5am in dire need of using the bathroom. That's when I realized, my fan that I sleep with every night is not on and nor is my clock near my bed.. then my brain clicks on and I finally realized THE POWER IS OUT... set into a bit of panic mood. I immediately check my phone and realize it's thankfully still early and didn't oversleep. Then I get up and check on the pup, who is on the other side of the
I literally couldn't even pee by myself because my dog was so worked up, she barged into the bathroom before I could even shut the door behind me... insert awkwardness even if it is my dog. Then to be nice, I invite said dog back into my room and into bed so I could hopefully fall back asleep and not feel guilty about not getting up yet. Lexi could not have been more annoying in bed. She pants historically because who knows how long the powers been out and she's so worked up.. I don't know what happened to her, but she gets incredibly anxious during storms, power outages, etc. does this happen to other Golden's or dogs??
Any who, we both didn't sleep very well...she didn't settle in and anytime I moved she'd get more worked up. I also couldn't help but think of everything that happens when the power goes out. Like now I can't take my shower -_- didn't plan well for that, don't flush the toliets now, oh and how do I get my car out of the garage now??. And since my parentals were out of town I had to text the sister to confirm what made the power go out and how to proceed in the morning. Let's be honest, I totally forgot how you can pull on the little red thing* to manually open and close your garage door, cuz when was the last time you thought about that??
And just to recap, loss of power isn't a legit enough excuse to skip work?!?! When did that happen? I find it plenty excusable, especially when one has not bathed properly...
Oh and to sum up my how morning, I was really unable to enjoy the first significant snowfall because of the awful power outage :((. And even more side note: to the neighbor with the generator going since at least 6:30 am going on 2hrs. relax it was 3inches of snow and a car crash that led us to no power. i think you’ll survive a morning without a shower and or modern amenities just like the rest of us… I admit I could totally use a shower this morning, but its just not in the cards today, and I’ll live….simmer down please
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