
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Remember When??

Only one person will fully understand this post today, but I don't really care cuz I know not many read my posts anyway....

When I was little and had to get up early to go to school and obviously no kid wants to get outta their warm bed into their cold house, get dressed, and then eat cold cereal. So whenever it was one of those REALLY cold fall/winter mornings, I'd get up (get dressed under my covers, duh because it was cold!!), and go downstairs to make a warm waffle. While waiting for said waffle, I maybe would make sure the heat was turned up just a bit and spread a blanket out in front of the heater that came out from under the cupboards. I know Pathetic, but hey what's a cold girl supposed to do?!? My mom would come downstairs, see the t.v. on and turn it off after seeing no one in the room, of course being the addicted t.v. enthusiasts that I am, I'd yell up from behind the counter that I was Listening to the show (cuz I'd already seen it and could picture what was going on) while I ate my waffle on a blanket on the kitchen floor in front of the warm heater. 

You might be asking yourself, "What the hell brought this on??" Well, since you asked....I was doing my homework this afternoon and the heat came on. I was sitting at my desk with my foot on said heater (not recommended for obvious reasons) and thought "Wow, my toes are sooo warm now!!" and thus this memory popped into my head and I felt the need to share.

I hope everyone else's feet stay warm!!

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