
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh Boy (s)

I just don't understand them....All of my friends boyfriends I can be completely friendly (not too friendly though) and nice when they're around. Heaven for bid though, this girl here EVER get another chance at this thing called a relationship.

Apparently over the years it's partly my fault that I hangout with older friends or simply my sister (not that she's plain and simple!) but now those friends are either engaged, married, pregnant, or what have you. Now come on!!!! Give me a shot, somebody!! Geeze...

So over the weekend I ran into an old "flame" we'll call him at the bar and yes my drunk ass went right up to him and said plain and simple "Let's hangout". I thought (my first mistake) that it'd be just fun to catch up with him, mainly because I thought he was really cute and it's wicked easy to have a conversation with. MY second mistake was exchanging numbers again and then third was being the first to "make a move" by texting him to get together. And for all the He's Just NOT That Into You fans..yea you can say the movie told me so any time now, I get it! Lesson learned.

This guy, despite his dashing good looks and physical features that meet the requirements, is a complete idiot when it comes to this technology thing. I mean it's just as easy for you to text me (and more chivalrous if you ask me) as it is for me to text you. And making your responses drawn out and making me wait days and needing to remind you to verify specifics is NOT how I date....So I hope you are thinking we ARE planning on meeting bright and early (8am per your request) tomorrow morning at the coffee place in town because I will be sound a sleep in my nice WARM BED while you wait!! :P Jerk Face

On another FANTASTIC note to this wonderful let down of a week it has been, a close friend who is usually so kind and understanding about me and the fact that I want to have another special person around, was a complete BITCH (sorry for the harsh language but you'll understand in a sec). Literally this girl is usually my BFF, but the other day UH!!

So she knows all about said man above and obviously my disappointment when he neglects to get back to me and still she chooses a day (after I've already waiting a day and a half for a respond from my let down) and informs me, that she and a guy SHE met at the bar are OFFICIALLY a facebook couple!!! ARE YOU DUCKING KIDDING ME?!!?!!?! my response, "Oh that's great! I'm so happy for you, you guys are so cute together!" cuz remember, she's supposed to be my BEST FRIEND! Needless to say I was feeling great after that news.

Some people though honestly.
Dear dude,
Get your sh*t together not for me, but just the future in general.
~F* off!

Dear "Best Friend",
Learn some manners, can't you see I'm already suffering on my on? I don't need your salt in MY wound!
Love YA!

Thank god for my other Real Best Friends and Sister for really listening to my pathetic bum this week and attempting to give me good advice that I am now listening to. Promise, I am!! I hope this guy goes and waits tomorrow because I promise to be the one to NOT answer any call or text resulting from him being stood up.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Remember When??

Only one person will fully understand this post today, but I don't really care cuz I know not many read my posts anyway....

When I was little and had to get up early to go to school and obviously no kid wants to get outta their warm bed into their cold house, get dressed, and then eat cold cereal. So whenever it was one of those REALLY cold fall/winter mornings, I'd get up (get dressed under my covers, duh because it was cold!!), and go downstairs to make a warm waffle. While waiting for said waffle, I maybe would make sure the heat was turned up just a bit and spread a blanket out in front of the heater that came out from under the cupboards. I know Pathetic, but hey what's a cold girl supposed to do?!? My mom would come downstairs, see the t.v. on and turn it off after seeing no one in the room, of course being the addicted t.v. enthusiasts that I am, I'd yell up from behind the counter that I was Listening to the show (cuz I'd already seen it and could picture what was going on) while I ate my waffle on a blanket on the kitchen floor in front of the warm heater. 

You might be asking yourself, "What the hell brought this on??" Well, since you asked....I was doing my homework this afternoon and the heat came on. I was sitting at my desk with my foot on said heater (not recommended for obvious reasons) and thought "Wow, my toes are sooo warm now!!" and thus this memory popped into my head and I felt the need to share.

I hope everyone else's feet stay warm!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm a Believer!!

First of all...can anyone name the WELL KNOWN movie that song is from!?!

So I had a strange day on Friday and if you're not into reading one of those OH MY GOD moments, stop reading cuz this story still blows me away and I still can't believe it happened.

In order to fully understand this story you need a little background first, I go to the gym with my friend Katie at school at least 4 times a week and sometimes it's way to early in the morning to function and I'm not really awake until I get home and shower.

So, maybe being exhausted isn't a great excuse, but I lost my student ID on Thursday morning after going to the gym (and I know it was after because you need your ID to get into the gym and I swiped my card that day). SO as any good student knows, your ID can get you places (not really but you do need it majority of the time), it is used to check out library books, GO TO THE GYM, get discounts on movie tickets, etc. Needless to say I was quite bummed when I noticed I had lost it. Katie told me to call the gym and ask to keep a look out for it, but I didn't want to be THAT I decided to wait, knowing we'd go again Friday morning.

Mind you now, I looked EVERYWHERE for it! I only ever bring 1 bag to the gym with me and keep my card in the ONLY pocket inside (wasn't there), so I checked my clutch that I take to school (notta), I strangely decided to check the only bag I take to classes...again no luck. So I decided to test my faith (I know not my smartest move, but sometimes you just need to or just wanna see if someone's guiding/looking after you in life). What did I do you ask?? How nice of you to be so curious, well I said out loud "Alright, Grampy if you are watching over me at all, I'd REALLY appreciate a little assistance finding my ID". I know a little ridiculous, but it's been two months as of last week that he passed away and I was emotional.

So, Friday morning came and I was a bit very eager to see if Grampy was going to help me out or not. Mind you, I wasn't expecting my ID to float up in front of my face with an 'I miss you' signed by my grandfather letter attached to it, but I was expecting to search my every step to the gym, ask the front desk at the gym, and search myself at the gym where I usually put my stuff. I just thought if I had found it that Grampy was saying "hey I helped you and I'm watching out for you", sadly the ID was not found anywhere from my house to the gym or on the way back. I had a realization when I got home, a bit of sadness and slight disappointment that maybe he wasn't looking after me like I had hoped and or prayed that he had been. I acknowledge (aloud again) that "Ok Grampy, I understand you can't always produce a miracle and that's fine I understand that you're still with me". Then like I usually do, I switched my clutch that I bring everywhere with me (because it holds my house key, some $$, and usually my ID) from my gym bag to my school bag and sitting in my front pocket....MY ID!!!!!!!!!!!! You can imagine my excitement at the time and still looking back on it, I can't believe it happened.

Insert I'm a Believer song here, I was completely blown away!! Now maybe I'm being naive about this but I truly believe my grandfather was watching over me and testing my faith, so I would believe he's really there.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's Been a While...

So it's been a while that I've complained about a roommate and honestly that's the best part about a blog is bitching expressing my frustrations aloud to those who care. First of all I wanna clarify for anyone that read my blog last year, that I have two different roommates in a different apartment. I knew one of the future roommates, we'll call her A, last year from the dance team and through a mutual friend and the second roommate I hadn't met until the start of school, we'll call her B. Now maybe that was a stupid move to not really know someone before agreeing to live with them, but hey it's working out cuz we are getting along like I never imagined. It's 3weeks into school and we already have almost no boundaries with each other, we like similar things, and can have any conversation with each other very easily...a dream roomie. The only thing I'd really change about B is that she do her dishes a little more often/frequently and before the food stuck to stuff - oh well. Now as for roomie A, I thought I knew here pretty well last year then she really started surprising me with her, let's say "night time choices"...yea one of those, well-I'm-lonely-and-didn't-wanna-walk-back-by-myself-and-he-was-standing-there kind of girl. Whatever her choice not mine and not my life to live. The thing I'd most like to change about her would be to relax, stop doing the dishes all the time, and if B and I choose to waste time and watch 3 or 4 back to back episodes of Teen Mom or Keeping up with the Kardashians on Netflix then it's not your place to 1) do the dishes so we can't hear it, 2) talk cuz you just feel like being heard, 3) Huff and stomp around the room cuz you don't feel like watching it and 4) Don't say you're going to do something else and not "waist your time with this anymore"...hmmm not really sure what your trying to say there...

Thankful Thursday?

I don't know if I've ever done a "Thankful Thursday" posting, but here goes!

I'm extremely thankful for all my friends and family, seriously I know people always say this but I'm happy to always have someone to talk or spend time with. Speaking of said people, last weekend was my sister's house warming party full or family and strangers. One family member that was there was my Grandmother T, just a little background that said Grammy T has Alzheimer's disease which means the short-term memory for her isn't very good. I gotta say though when we were little she used to ask us a bunch of times if we wanted something to drink or eat, now she just looks at our faces and says "oh I've asked you already haven't I"..innocent. Anyway, as the party started to wind down, my Grandmother came up to me and said, "You know I will be home" and I replied, "Oh anytime I need you?" and she said, "Well specifically tomorrow afternoon, if you needed to stop in". Oh Grammy how I love her oh so much!!

I hope everyone feels that loved today!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Take Two

Hey bloggies,

I'm back in your world! Let me just explain that this past summer was the CRAZIEST time of my life. Since getting back from Italy in May, I started working crazy hours at work and had minimal time for myself and friends, let alone to blog. Also, if you follow my sister's blog My Show then you know we had a devastating death with losing our grandfather and before that I was trying (and still am) to help out as much as I can with my Grandmother. 

It was a long stressful summer, so it's good to back at school...until the stress begins. So for now I'll just write when I can and you can love it or leave it!

Monday, June 27, 2011

First Day of Camp

Summer Camp has started!! So expect children stories and counselor bitching stories :). I gotta say, I've been doing this for 5 years- which does and doesn't seem long- but today was probably by far the BEST first day ever!! I have WONDERFUL (know on wood-phew) children and few of them so far. I'm used to about 25 or so and just dealing with it....well today at max I had 13...13 that's it!! I couldn't believe it.

Also I donno, and of course I don't want to jinx it, but it seemed like my co-counselors and I just meshed right away. Usually in the best my co-counselors and I seem to step all over each other and try to take control (even though I don't mean too, I just like to lead sometimes- blame being a Leo..) anyway in the past Day 1 sets the tone. And literally today there was no awkward "Oh no you go ahead" or "Sorry you go..." it was all I or they stop speaking and one of the others added if we needed. And I'm almost kinda excited for the beach tomorrow morning (God willing I get the same angelic campers).

Hope everyone else had a great Monday!!


Long awaited, but hopefully it's worth it for all!! I had an amazing time in Italy, to say the least, I would go back at any given time. I started my trip in Logan Airport, to Madrid, Spain then on to Venice, Italy. After 3 days in Venice we traveled to Florence where we spent 5 days there and finally went to Rome for another 5 days. Here are some highlights from my trip...

With my roommate in Logan Airport waiting to get on the plane

Madrid, Spain's was so cool- Although security asked if I was from Mexico?!? oh well

Waiting for the next flight--don't we look fab after technically 12 hours, but also loosing a day :(

My favorite place(s) how could I possibly have just one? had to have been:

#1.) VENICE- no contest!  because of immediate beauty I fell in love with on arrival and how easily I was able to find my way around after the first night. It was a small feeling city that was very welcoming.

View of the canal right off the plane/bus

Hotels was a small alley way like most streets

First hotel room with 3 other roommates

Imagine carrying your suitcase over this...I had too

Beautiful view...and me :)

I guess my kinda favorite part of being in Venice was people constantly coming up to a group of us and being so excited to hear us speaking English and getting to meet so many new people. While in Venice, I traveled to Padova and saw the Scrovegni Church and only stayed a few hours before heading back to Venice. I had a wonderful dinner the second to last night and met a group of singers from Belmont University and then attended their concert the following night--they were incredible!

2.) Pompeii  How could you not fall in love with a city full of so much history and still almost perfectly preserved since 79AD (yea I learned something, impressed?)
Entering the city!!

Some of the preserved pottery found in the ruins

Garden of the Fugitives (meaning people would tried to flee the volcanoe)


Just sitting in the Amphitheater 

 3.) Pisa- a wonderful day trip that 12 students including myself navigated to and back all by ourselves. Best part was playing tourist (well I was one haha) and "holding up" the tower :).

It was seriously gonna fall HA!

Doesn't even look like it was leaning that much...

Some girls on the day trip

We got back to the station and on the right train :) successful day!

4.) Rome- Last stop and amazing to experience the ruins always seen in movies :)

The Colosseum


At the Hard Rock Cafe


Family Dinner

Mum and Pop Pop of the family

Marzzapane and canoli YUM!!

Making my coin toss to Return

Making a toss with two coins for LOVE

A huge diamond that I thought should be mine

Lastly the Pantheon

5.) Florence- Santa Croche, the Duomo, and JERSEY SHORE cast!! this was a second stop along the way and within the first two hours (and in the middle of our seminar) we saw Jersey Shore- needless to say the seminar ended and resumed later haha.

In front of the Duomo

Just Mike... (Vinny, & Pauly not in pic)

A better picture of the Duomo

Just waiting for seminar to start again and what do you know

San Croche

Just met up with Mike for lunch haha

The view from the top of the Duomo!!

After climbing sprinting to the top with my friend Sarah

Another view- so beautiful

Last one I swear!

Sunset in Florence

Girls night out!! and free shots from the cute bartender!

Best Kebab in the world!!

Our Kebab makers :)

My bed on the left            

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm BAaaaaaaaaaacckkkkkkkkkKK!!

Hello world!!

So I'm back, I've been back it's just literally taken me a WHILE to get back in the groove and such. First of all I had a FANTASTIC time in Italy and it was INCREDIBLE (I'll post a separate post just for Italy). So I've been back for just over a week now and am starting my summer job.... insert whining and what not. Just kidding it's really not that bad, it's sometimes just tiring and overwhelming in the summer time. It's almost kind of nice to be starting so late in the school year too because some of the kids seem to appreciate the extra addition (me) and change in counselors.

On another note, I went to the beach today (after working morning care) with my friend Katie. I had a great time and we caught up on all our gossip since school ended. SO that's the good news...the bad news is I'm BURNT to a crisp on my lower back/stomach and upper about UNCOMFORTABLE!!! :( I hate being the pale kid to ALWAYS be burnt, despite the constant application and only remaining in the sun for short periods of time...sadly I'm always the one sporting the burn look after a beach trip. What's a girl to do, honestly??

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Survivor Sunday!!!

Oh come on, we all have our guilty pleasures..I just happen to find a few that I'm not afraid to share. One of these pleasures is the ultimate-longest-running-competition show, Survivor (announced so much better by Jeff Probst). I have literally been watching Survivor since 6th grade, and got my family hooked on it soon after. Survivor is close to my heart because NO MATTER what was going on at home and in all of our busy schedules (and still to this day for the most part) the whole family would make it home to watch Survivor. When I was younger, the neighbors and I would even go as far as to play our own survivor version. It was play in the front/back yards and tribal council was held on an old rotting tree. Games include tangling from monkey bars, relay races, and of course the all time favorite temptation of food (because how dare we leave the game to grab food).

On to something a little more excited, I'M GOING TO ITALY TOMORROW!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I seriously can hardly believe it is happening. I started thinking of going to Italy back in October and of course May felt like a lifetime away.  So let me clarify that it is for school, I'm taking a music credit so I'll be focusing on musical aspects of the trip...but uh hello if you need a music credit, Italy isn't a shabby place to have to take it. I also need to say, that I'm kinda scared...I've never really been somewhere on my own. I mean yea, I'm traveling with  40 some-other students and 4 teachers, but still it just seems like a big thing to me! I just want to clarify that I have traveled places without my family/parents before, but I donno this just feels different for me. I guess I'm just more nervous of the going it on my own kinda of thing, even though I like doing things by myself, I like company too. I guess I need to remember that's it's the fear and excitement of life that makes it worth living!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The End is Near..

Sorta freaking out in that, I-don't-wanna-leave-my-friends-I-can't-believe-school-is-over feeling :(. It's so sad, I hate this part of the year. It's always right when everyone has been getting along and we've been having a great time together. People's last minute goodbyes are so incredibly sad!! I can't handle them and this year is no different. Although, it might be a little harder since I'm moving from one apartment to another, so I have to pack ALL of my stuff up, but also pack things up and set them aside in my current apartment so it can just move to the new apartment.

I have exactly one final this evening, sign language, and it's going to be great! Then I am officially a SENIOR in WEIRD is that! Oh and another exciting note coming up, is I fly to ITALY in exactly 6days!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH so exciting, nervous, and much to do in those 6 days!! I hope I get it all done and ready to go in that time.  Time to study!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday Sence

Saturday begin with an early wake up for me and a quick tidying up of the apartment, cuz the roommate was coming with her parents to pack and take her large furniture home :( sad. Then, I had to deal with the future roommate/landlord and sign the new lease for the new apartment, which thank the lord I am able to move into early because that was causing it's own issues with my parents who didn't want to take things home if they could make their way to the new apartment, which is understandable, but it just didn't seem possible. THANKFULLY the new landlord is VERY understanding is allowing myself and the new roommates move in on the day we have to move out of our old apartments! YA for cooperation!!

Then, I had a shopping date with a new best friend, Brittany, we went to Augusta and shopped around. We both discussed spending the minimum, but finding the best deals!! From Khols I got: a much needed pair of capris, new necklace & matching earrings. At Old Navy I got: needed appropriate shorts. And from Apostale (where I never go because they run WAY too small and I feel like a cow in their clothing, rather than hot while trying on new jeans) I got: a pair of jeggins HAHA and new pair of MUCH needed jeans both for under $15, can you so SCORE?!?!

Needless to say it was an amazing shopping trip and Brittany and I had a great time talking. You know when you find someone at of the blue and just know their going to be your new best friend? Yea it was like that, we are soo similar it would have been scary, but we were both enjoying finding so much about each other and sharing a bond of being cheap and not spending a lot. When we returned to school, we grabbed some sleepover stuff at her place and went to my place, ate some yummy subway dinner, and watch Across the Universe then Country Strong (Awesome!!). Oh, and while we watched movies, we baked and had a great time. YA for new best friends and a great Saturday!

Catch up Time...

SOooooo life of a college student mixed with the blogging cite, sometimes means they don't mix. This week is no exception! As it was the week before finals, final projects, presentations, and classes were wrapping up, so unfortunately that meant working 'round the clock, eating/exercising when possible, and saving friends for the weekend. EVERYTHING has been turned in and all that stands between me and the summer + Italy! is a Math and sign language final. It's not over yet folks, but darn it I wish it was!

SO, I just want to clarify that when I began blogging, the roommate and I were NOT getting along to say the least. It got so bad that were not eating together, speaking, or even making any interactions. I have to announce that we are now 100% better than before! I don't even know how it happen, I don't want to jinx it, but it's just gotten completely better between us. Which makes me happy don't get me wrong, but at the same time I'm really sad because she has been my ONLY roommate for the past 3 years of college! HOW I'M I SUPPOSED TO GO THROUGH SENIOR YEAR WITHOUT HER?!?! I know we get on each others nerves but that's what friends do honestly and the best part is the way we always bounce back and have a great bond after spending 3 years together. I don't know how I'll do it, because I was really lucky to meet her going into freshmen year and every year while we secretly planned to live with each other again, one of us would finally bring it up again and we'd decide we wanted to continue living together. It's sad when you realize how close you are to someone and knowing you're parting so quickly. Luckily we have our Italy excursion to go on, so we'll be together for an extra 2 weeks in GORGEOUS Venice, Florence, and ROME!!!!!! excited much?

Finals won't be tooo bad hopefully, math will probably kill me a little on Monday, but I have my last workout with my friend Katie that will REALLY give me the pick me I need! Then we plan an ice cream/movie date with friends we started freshmen year with and some we've picked up along the way. Then sign language on Tuesday will be fun and feel goood because I know I've learned another language in a very short semester and could actually use it in real life! Thanks college for giving me a practical skill!!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Oh how that one little word can turn a person's world upside down for weeks at a time. Yep you guessed it, it's approaching Finals week here at school and it's not even the actual finals that are making me stressed (literally, I'm breaking out, not sleeping fully, and to top it off I'm feeling the beginnings of a sore throat...awesome!). So some people know Finals as the end of the year tests, well I like to prefer to them as F-bomb, I, Never, Actually, Learned this, S*%$...excuse the language. It's not that I don't know anything it's just that spring-fever-don't-wanna-do-anymore-work mode that's got me all messed up. I'll add more in the next few days, but for now this is all I can offer as I get kicked out of the library in point 3hours and need to devote that time to a final project....yea welcome to the procrastination world of a college student!  I hope others are having a better time!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why I'm loving Wednesday

I'm loving this Wednesday because I woke up early (again) to meet a group before class for a project, but on my way to getting there I had an unusual greeting. So I got up had breakfast, did the email thing, got dressed, and walked out the door. Now there are two doors to enter my apartment;  the first to get into the building and the second door to enter my apartment. So after I exited my first door, I went to head out the second one and saw through the glass window-door that there was in fact a little BIRD in this small entrance way. I probably panicked for about 3 seconds, not really knowing if I should turn around (you know grab the camera-now wishing I had) or to just RUN down the stairs and pray it didn't come after me. I then quickly decide I needed to stay come for not only my sake, but for the bird's as well (you know the whole they fear you more than you fear them, no I don't fear birds but a little when they're invading my living space-like any other outside creatures coming inside). So, I slowly opened the door to give said bird a little warning and let him settle closer to the opposite side of the entry way and then I made my way down the very long stairway. Yea I made it alive and I gotta admit he was a cute birdie and enjoyable yet shocking surprise to my morning.

I then got my typical morning routine completed came back and about half way up the staircase I realized I should see my little friend again, so I slowed my steps to give him a warning and looked around the corners of the entry way before I reached for the door. Sadly he was not there, but it's probably good because it means he got out and can fly with friends and not be stuck in a stairway of an apartment building scared.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh Hey!

Oh ya I've been on vacation mode, which for me means checking and facebook less, twitter and online shopping sites more! Sadly and yet happily, I'm back at school. Usually on my drive back I get emotional with songs I listen to or all the work I have in mind that has to get down in the upcoming week...however, yesterday I was SOOoooo relieved to come back to my apartment and just relax. Yes I worked on homework, unpacked all my things, made my bed :), and realized I forgot my tasty sushi at home :( (but it was ok, cuz from the Easter dinner I had before I left was enough to last me the night). I had a GREAT night's rest and woke up super early for me yep, 6:40am, felt good.

Classes weren't horrible today, even though it was exactly fun having to go to them, I still went and the gym as well (ya! go me for getting back into the routine). Also, I made myself a deal yesterday (after I felt soo full from my mom's wonderful Easter dinner) that I would make an honest effort to go back on the South Beach diet. Now I decided to make small modifications to it so I would stick with it longer than I did back in February. I decided I can have fruit because I love it and also oatmeal because honestly I don't have the time or patience or taste buds to cook and eat eggs every single morning for two weeks. So maybe I'm not following it to a 'T' but I desperately think I'll stick with it longer this time (encouragement helps!).

Also just some random stuff to add, on Saturday I went out with my best friend Katie and grab an early dinner of sushi as mentioned before. Well it was a rainy day and kind of chilly so I ordered a side of soup because I was so cold when we got into the restaurant. Well that said Miso soup (that I usually love and still do) left my tongue and roof of my mouth burnt! and the roof of my mouth is still experiencing the repercussions, like seriously I've never burnt my mouth so bad before, I think it killed some gums...not good. Helpfully it'll heal soon cuz it's incredibly uncomfortable.

Happy Monday All!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Yep I've missed a few days here..but hey, can you really blame me? I am on vacation! It's been very relaxing so far. Half over now, it's really sad to realize I now need have to do all the things I told myself I would do before vacation started (boo!). I mean I made a dent in the laundry area and the dvr :) but the sorting through old clothing in my room and the homework portion not so much yet!

I have been a helpful daughter around the house, if I do so myself. I've been driving the little bro around to and from lax practice and I might even be an even nicer sister by attending his first game tomorrow. I've also been constantly emptying and reloading the dishwasher and got some raking done (for a price of course!). But now on fortunately it's time to start all those to do's I set out for in the beginning of vacation. Oh well there a few days left and still time to have fun, get things accomplished, and make a few more $$ before I go :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Already in trouble

Haha one (not even day, night!) of vacation and I'm already starting trouble..oh well. I had a nice afternoon by myself and then everyone else came home. I asked a simple question about bringing my cell phone with my to Italy (yes, Italy in May, I can't wait!) as an alarm clock and my dad snapped at me saying "bring it, just never turn it on". Uhhhh OK dad...that defeats the purpose of bringing it for an alarm clock, but ok. It was fine after, but I didn't dare  bring it up again.

Later, I got out of the house and got to hangout with some co-workers! Now I did give up alcohol for lent (I know stupid, but it's actually been good) so it wasn't easy being around them and not but I survived. It was so much fun just to get out and talk to people I haven't seen in a while. Oh did I mention we out to a sports bar? yea, we did and as we left we saw this really creepy guy that is friends with one of the couples I was out with, well this guy tried hit on a friend and then tried to get my number (yea right haha) so needless to say when we saw his car we had to have a little fun. Nothing horrible, just one of those teenage, write on the window and number for a sex line and "call me". HAHA could not resist when the friend suggested it...great way to end the first night on Spring Break!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Uh Whiners

OK, so it MUST be time for a vacation because people around college are REALLY getting on my nerves. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is simply complaining and whining about all the projects and assignments they have to do over break. I mean yea I get it, trust me I do, but I don't need to hear it over and over again from the same person telling everyone who enters the room how much stuff they have to do. Just an FYI to those people, you have no more work than myself or anyone else and YES you are obnoxious repeating and complaining about your life. Like I get it, we all need to complain and de-stress, but there is a limit and mine is with repetitive people. So thank goodness break is 2 days away!

On another note, I called home tonight just to check in and talk to my mommy <3. She told me about a dream she had the other night about the devil trying to enter her body and her having to keep waking up and moving around so it wouldn't, needless to say we're going to church this Sunday now. She also told me that my dad screwed up his back leaning down to a tupperware drawer (how pathetic I know). It's sad, my parents, dad is getting old :(...also kinda sad, is it bad that I laughed when my mom told me??! I love my dad, but as any family, friend, or neighbor would tell you-He's got a flare for the dramatics..I guess that's where I get it from? Oh well, out of all his qualities I'm proud to take on his friendly-outgoing-ness attitude.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh Sunday

Ever since I can remember Sundays have ALWAYS been lazy in my family (warning for future suitors). Sundays when we were little were get up and go to church then the rest of the day was just for relaxing around the house. Then from middle school on, they became days to sleep in and do that last minute homework for the upcoming week. Now for me, they're still sleep in later days and do homework for the up coming week, but man the motivation to do that homework sure comes and goes throughout the day! Today is no exception either, perhaps it's because of Relay and staying up until the wee hours of the morning then CRASHING past noon time that same day and being completely exhausted from it still. To say the least my muscles are tired and I still have papers to write up and jump start projects due after vacation, that's right VACATION is this Friday :D!! But until then, I have to make my way through this week and I can already tell it's not going to be easy or fast by any means!! So here's to traditional Sundays where you watch tv, enjoy some yummy snacks, and maybe squeeze in some homework...Happy Sunday all!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Relay 4 Life

So I don't know how many of you have actually participated in a Relay for Life event, but I HIGHLY recommend it!! It's a fantastic experience whether you simply donate money to the cause or you donate your time and walk for the cause. I have always wanted to participate in a Relay, but never really had the opportunity to do so...friends always said they would months in advanced, but when it'd come down to it they'd back out at the last minute. So sad really, someone with cancer can't just say "nah, I don't want it anymore", but someone can? I'm just glad I finally got the chance to be on a team and walk for the cause.

Some of you know my sister's blog, My Show, well she joined me in the cause. I don't think I mentioned this before, but she attended the same university as me and I joined the dance team the year after she left. So she came up for the night to join some dance team members in walking around the track. We began around 9pm and gathered in our fitness center on campus, with sleeping bags in tow, and spirit to walk. We designed two bags to people we knew who have had cancer and still fighting it day to day. As we began walking around the track other groups that were there sold items; such as food, drinks, and fun games to play. We donated money to carry around a kind of key chain/string and add colored beads as you completed laps and miles. We both started our strings with beads designated to people who have fought cancer and added to our string every two laps (it was easier for us to keep track this way).We made it to 10pm, 11pm, rested a bit, then at 12am they  laid out the bags with individuals names on it for the luminaria ceremony and all the lights were turned off for an hour as everyone walked around the track. Honestly the whole thing is emotional, and to think that I don't know anyone who has died from cancer is amazing to me and also that three people I have known who have had or who are fighting cancer are still strong and alive.

Our Team!! Dancing Divas

We designed bags for our close family friend Julie who is still fighting breast cancer and our Grandfather who is fighting Lung cancer. Later in the evening we realized we should have made a bag for a neighborhood friend who survived Leukemia as a child.

Our Team Captain made this for us so we and others knew if we were walking on the track or taking a rest :). It was fun reminding each other to "up date our status"...yea we were a little facebook deprived haha
We got SOOOooooo tired at 4:30 and had to lay down for a rest.

In all we ended up walking 11miles (although we were shooting for 16, still) in just about 8 hours (taking an hour "break" for Zumba) and we passed out around 5-5:30 and then were able to go was a LONG night! We went back to my apartment and (I) slept from 6am-1pm haha soo tiring. Then sadly it was time for my sister to leave and me to work on homework. Back to work, but it was a great night and I would gladly do it again!