I then got my typical morning routine completed came back and about half way up the staircase I realized I should see my little friend again, so I slowed my steps to give him a warning and looked around the corners of the entry way before I reached for the door. Sadly he was not there, but it's probably good because it means he got out and can fly with friends and not be stuck in a stairway of an apartment building scared.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Why I'm loving Wednesday
I'm loving this Wednesday because I woke up early (again) to meet a group before class for a project, but on my way to getting there I had an unusual greeting. So I got up had breakfast, did the email thing, got dressed, and walked out the door. Now there are two doors to enter my apartment; the first to get into the building and the second door to enter my apartment. So after I exited my first door, I went to head out the second one and saw through the glass window-door that there was in fact a little BIRD in this small entrance way. I probably panicked for about 3 seconds, not really knowing if I should turn around (you know grab the camera-now wishing I had) or to just RUN down the stairs and pray it didn't come after me. I then quickly decide I needed to stay come for not only my sake, but for the bird's as well (you know the whole they fear you more than you fear them, no I don't fear birds but a little when they're invading my living space-like any other outside creatures coming inside). So, I slowly opened the door to give said bird a little warning and let him settle closer to the opposite side of the entry way and then I made my way down the very long stairway. Yea I made it alive and I gotta admit he was a cute birdie and enjoyable yet shocking surprise to my morning.
I then got my typical morning routine completed came back and about half way up the staircase I realized I should see my little friend again, so I slowed my steps to give him a warning and looked around the corners of the entry way before I reached for the door. Sadly he was not there, but it's probably good because it means he got out and can fly with friends and not be stuck in a stairway of an apartment building scared.
I then got my typical morning routine completed came back and about half way up the staircase I realized I should see my little friend again, so I slowed my steps to give him a warning and looked around the corners of the entry way before I reached for the door. Sadly he was not there, but it's probably good because it means he got out and can fly with friends and not be stuck in a stairway of an apartment building scared.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Oh Hey!
Oh ya I've been on vacation mode, which for me means checking and facebook less, twitter and online shopping sites more! Sadly and yet happily, I'm back at school. Usually on my drive back I get emotional with songs I listen to or all the work I have in mind that has to get down in the upcoming week...however, yesterday I was SOOoooo relieved to come back to my apartment and just relax. Yes I worked on homework, unpacked all my things, made my bed :), and realized I forgot my tasty sushi at home :( (but it was ok, cuz from the Easter dinner I had before I left was enough to last me the night). I had a GREAT night's rest and woke up super early for me yep, 6:40am, felt good.
Classes weren't horrible today, even though it was exactly fun having to go to them, I still went and the gym as well (ya! go me for getting back into the routine). Also, I made myself a deal yesterday (after I felt soo full from my mom's wonderful Easter dinner) that I would make an honest effort to go back on the South Beach diet. Now I decided to make small modifications to it so I would stick with it longer than I did back in February. I decided I can have fruit because I love it and also oatmeal because honestly I don't have the time or patience or taste buds to cook and eat eggs every single morning for two weeks. So maybe I'm not following it to a 'T' but I desperately think I'll stick with it longer this time (encouragement helps!).
Also just some random stuff to add, on Saturday I went out with my best friend Katie and grab an early dinner of sushi as mentioned before. Well it was a rainy day and kind of chilly so I ordered a side of soup because I was so cold when we got into the restaurant. Well that said Miso soup (that I usually love and still do) left my tongue and roof of my mouth burnt! and the roof of my mouth is still experiencing the repercussions, like seriously I've never burnt my mouth so bad before, I think it killed some gums...not good. Helpfully it'll heal soon cuz it's incredibly uncomfortable.
Happy Monday All!!
Classes weren't horrible today, even though it was exactly fun having to go to them, I still went and the gym as well (ya! go me for getting back into the routine). Also, I made myself a deal yesterday (after I felt soo full from my mom's wonderful Easter dinner) that I would make an honest effort to go back on the South Beach diet. Now I decided to make small modifications to it so I would stick with it longer than I did back in February. I decided I can have fruit because I love it and also oatmeal because honestly I don't have the time or patience or taste buds to cook and eat eggs every single morning for two weeks. So maybe I'm not following it to a 'T' but I desperately think I'll stick with it longer this time (encouragement helps!).
Also just some random stuff to add, on Saturday I went out with my best friend Katie and grab an early dinner of sushi as mentioned before. Well it was a rainy day and kind of chilly so I ordered a side of soup because I was so cold when we got into the restaurant. Well that said Miso soup (that I usually love and still do) left my tongue and roof of my mouth burnt! and the roof of my mouth is still experiencing the repercussions, like seriously I've never burnt my mouth so bad before, I think it killed some gums...not good. Helpfully it'll heal soon cuz it's incredibly uncomfortable.
Happy Monday All!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Yep I've missed a few days here..but hey, can you really blame me? I am on vacation! It's been very relaxing so far. Half over now, it's really sad to realize I now need have to do all the things I told myself I would do before vacation started (boo!). I mean I made a dent in the laundry area and the dvr :) but the sorting through old clothing in my room and the homework portion not so much yet!
I have been a helpful daughter around the house, if I do so myself. I've been driving the little bro around to and from lax practice and I might even be an even nicer sister by attending his first game tomorrow. I've also been constantly emptying and reloading the dishwasher and got some raking done (for a price of course!). But now on fortunately it's time to start all those to do's I set out for in the beginning of vacation. Oh well there a few days left and still time to have fun, get things accomplished, and make a few more $$ before I go :)
I have been a helpful daughter around the house, if I do so myself. I've been driving the little bro around to and from lax practice and I might even be an even nicer sister by attending his first game tomorrow. I've also been constantly emptying and reloading the dishwasher and got some raking done (for a price of course!). But now on fortunately it's time to start all those to do's I set out for in the beginning of vacation. Oh well there a few days left and still time to have fun, get things accomplished, and make a few more $$ before I go :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Already in trouble
Haha so...day one (not even day, night!) of vacation and I'm already starting trouble..oh well. I had a nice afternoon by myself and then everyone else came home. I asked a simple question about bringing my cell phone with my to Italy (yes, Italy in May, I can't wait!) as an alarm clock and my dad snapped at me saying "bring it, just never turn it on". Uhhhh OK dad...that defeats the purpose of bringing it for an alarm clock, but ok. It was fine after, but I didn't dare bring it up again.
Later, I got out of the house and got to hangout with some co-workers! Now I did give up alcohol for lent (I know stupid, but it's actually been good) so it wasn't easy being around them and not but I survived. It was so much fun just to get out and talk to people I haven't seen in a while. Oh did I mention we out to a sports bar? yea, we did and as we left we saw this really creepy guy that is friends with one of the couples I was out with, well this guytried hit on a friend and then tried to get my number (yea right haha) so needless to say when we saw his car we had to have a little fun. Nothing horrible, just one of those teenage, write on the window and number for a sex line and "call me". HAHA could not resist when the friend suggested it...great way to end the first night on Spring Break!!
Later, I got out of the house and got to hangout with some co-workers! Now I did give up alcohol for lent (I know stupid, but it's actually been good) so it wasn't easy being around them and not but I survived. It was so much fun just to get out and talk to people I haven't seen in a while. Oh did I mention we out to a sports bar? yea, we did and as we left we saw this really creepy guy that is friends with one of the couples I was out with, well this guy
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Uh Whiners
OK, so it MUST be time for a vacation because people around college are REALLY getting on my nerves. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is simply complaining and whining about all the projects and assignments they have to do over break. I mean yea I get it, trust me I do, but I don't need to hear it over and over again from the same person telling everyone who enters the room how much stuff they have to do. Just an FYI to those people, you have no more work than myself or anyone else and YES you are obnoxious repeating and complaining about your life. Like I get it, we all need to complain and de-stress, but there is a limit and mine is with repetitive people. So thank goodness break is 2 days away!
On another note, I called home tonight just to check in and talk to my mommy <3. She told me about a dream she had the other night about the devil trying to enter her body and her having to keep waking up and moving around so it wouldn't, needless to say we're going to church this Sunday now. She also told me that my dad screwed up his back leaning down to a tupperware drawer (how pathetic I know). It's sad,my parents, dad is getting old :(...also kinda sad, is it bad that I laughed when my mom told me??! I love my dad, but as any family, friend, or neighbor would tell you-He's got a flare for the dramatics..I guess that's where I get it from? Oh well, out of all his qualities I'm proud to take on his friendly-outgoing-ness attitude.
On another note, I called home tonight just to check in and talk to my mommy <3. She told me about a dream she had the other night about the devil trying to enter her body and her having to keep waking up and moving around so it wouldn't, needless to say we're going to church this Sunday now. She also told me that my dad screwed up his back leaning down to a tupperware drawer (how pathetic I know). It's sad,
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Oh Sunday
Ever since I can remember Sundays have ALWAYS been lazy in my family (warning for future suitors). Sundays when we were little were get up and go to church then the rest of the day was just for relaxing around the house. Then from middle school on, they became days to sleep in and do that last minute homework for the upcoming week. Now for me, they're still sleep in later days and do homework for the up coming week, but man the motivation to do that homework sure comes and goes throughout the day! Today is no exception either, perhaps it's because of Relay and staying up until the wee hours of the morning then CRASHING past noon time that same day and being completely exhausted from it still. To say the least my muscles are tired and I still have papers to write up and jump start projects due after vacation, that's right VACATION is this Friday :D!! But until then, I have to make my way through this week and I can already tell it's not going to be easy or fast by any means!! So here's to traditional Sundays where you watch tv, enjoy some yummy snacks, and maybe squeeze in some homework...Happy Sunday all!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Relay 4 Life
So I don't know how many of you have actually participated in a Relay for Life event, but I HIGHLY recommend it!! It's a fantastic experience whether you simply donate money to the cause or you donate your time and walk for the cause. I have always wanted to participate in a Relay, but never really had the opportunity to do so...friends always said they would months in advanced, but when it'd come down to it they'd back out at the last minute. So sad really, someone with cancer can't just say "nah, I don't want it anymore", but someone can? I'm just glad I finally got the chance to be on a team and walk for the cause.
Some of you know my sister's blog, My Show, well she joined me in the cause. I don't think I mentioned this before, but she attended the same university as me and I joined the dance team the year after she left. So she came up for the night to join some dance team members in walking around the track. We began around 9pm and gathered in our fitness center on campus, with sleeping bags in tow, and spirit to walk. We designed two bags to people we knew who have had cancer and still fighting it day to day. As we began walking around the track other groups that were there sold items; such as food, drinks, and fun games to play. We donated money to carry around a kind of key chain/string and add colored beads as you completed laps and miles. We both started our strings with beads designated to people who have fought cancer and added to our string every two laps (it was easier for us to keep track this way).We made it to 10pm, 11pm, rested a bit, then at 12am they laid out the bags with individuals names on it for the luminaria ceremony and all the lights were turned off for an hour as everyone walked around the track. Honestly the whole thing is emotional, and to think that I don't know anyone who has died from cancer is amazing to me and also that three people I have known who have had or who are fighting cancer are still strong and alive.
In all we ended up walking 11miles (although we were shooting for 16, still) in just about 8 hours (taking an hour "break" for Zumba) and we passed out around 5-5:30 and then were able to go home....it was a LONG night! We went back to my apartment and (I) slept from 6am-1pm haha soo tiring. Then sadly it was time for my sister to leave and me to work on homework. Back to work, but it was a great night and I would gladly do it again!
Some of you know my sister's blog, My Show, well she joined me in the cause. I don't think I mentioned this before, but she attended the same university as me and I joined the dance team the year after she left. So she came up for the night to join some dance team members in walking around the track. We began around 9pm and gathered in our fitness center on campus, with sleeping bags in tow, and spirit to walk. We designed two bags to people we knew who have had cancer and still fighting it day to day. As we began walking around the track other groups that were there sold items; such as food, drinks, and fun games to play. We donated money to carry around a kind of key chain/string and add colored beads as you completed laps and miles. We both started our strings with beads designated to people who have fought cancer and added to our string every two laps (it was easier for us to keep track this way).We made it to 10pm, 11pm, rested a bit, then at 12am they laid out the bags with individuals names on it for the luminaria ceremony and all the lights were turned off for an hour as everyone walked around the track. Honestly the whole thing is emotional, and to think that I don't know anyone who has died from cancer is amazing to me and also that three people I have known who have had or who are fighting cancer are still strong and alive.
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Our Team!! Dancing Divas |
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We got SOOOooooo tired at 4:30 and had to lay down for a rest. |
In all we ended up walking 11miles (although we were shooting for 16, still) in just about 8 hours (taking an hour "break" for Zumba) and we passed out around 5-5:30 and then were able to go home....it was a LONG night! We went back to my apartment and (I) slept from 6am-1pm haha soo tiring. Then sadly it was time for my sister to leave and me to work on homework. Back to work, but it was a great night and I would gladly do it again!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wednesday Love
I love Wednesday because it it really my most relaxing day of the week. I have two classes in the morning and then I get to workout with a close friend and I feel so productive by 12:30 have done this. Mondays are similar but I usual grocery shop on that day too so not as fun. After my morning and workout I get to come home and shower and usually by the time I get out of the shower my roommate has left for class and I have the place to my self for good solid 3-4 hours...ah so relaxing :). I have lunch, watch an educational show, then start on some homework or take a nap :D which ever fits better in my schedule. Happy Wednesday everyone!!
Busy and Tired
I have been a bad blogger the past week...I know no way to start. I must remember to become more interesting so I can have more to share more often. Honestly it's just been a very busy week, with homework, projects due soon, and being extremely extra tired. But honestly I'll try to blog more and have something more interesting to share so you'll want to keep reading...Any ideas for topics or discussions would be appreciated :)
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Not My Typical Saturday
So I cam home this weekend and had to go home on Thursday because of the ridiculous April Fools day snow...Anyway didn't get home till 11pm and laid with Mommy who was surprisingly waiting for me at the door :). Got up and Friday and found my brother skipping school..nah just playing it was a snow day at home as well as up at school, so I was happy I came home the night before. Sadly, the rents and bro left me Friday afternoon for some hockey thing in New Hampshire. Now mind you, I have quite the imagination, so I little nervous knowing I'd spend two nights by myself :( - hello lonely too! Friday night was fine, a little skiddish actually going to bed but I did and it was fine...Now this morning I got up, took care of the dog, worked out (ya me!), and the day went on. Now that reason I came home was to take an examine and added bonus for the rents-take care of the dog. Everything was fine..until this evening. I just wanted to curl up and watch a few shows/movies..but you know you always pick the wrong show/movie when you're alone that put thoughts into your head. Now, I'm alone mind you and the dog which barks and freaks me out during the day, but at night she's even worse. So of course she goes crazy right after I watched the suspenseful movie and naturally I freaked out. I grabbed the phone and ran upstairs and called the very few memorized numbers I know and NO ONE answered!! (Insert crying face here) I sucked it up and went back downstairs, found the dog who wasn't responding to me, and now we are trying to calm down from all the unnecessary commotion.
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